

An ecosystem of geospatial tools and libraries written in Rust.

👋 Say hello or ask questions on Discord.

💻 Development occurs on GitHub across per-project repositories.

📗 Check out the book for a lighthearted introduction to Rust and Geospatial.


Geo Geospatial primitives such as Point & LineString, and algorithms such as distance, convex hull, centroid calculations. GitHub crates.io
GEOS Bindings for the Geometry Engine - Open Source (GEOS) library. GitHub crates.io
PROJ Bindings for the PROJ library for coordinate transformation and projections. GitHub crates.io
Robust Robust primitives for computational geometry. GitHub crates.io
Rstar A spatial index using an R*-tree. GitHub crates.io

Handling GIS data formats

GDAL Bindings for the Geographic Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) for reading and writing raster and vector GIS files. GitHub crates.io
GeoJSON Work with GeoJSON files. GitHub crates.io
GPX Work with GPS files. GitHub crates.io
GeoTIFF Work with GeoTIFF raster files. GitHub crates.io
KML Work with KML files. GitHub crates.io
netCDF Bindings for Network Common Data Form (netCDF) library. Can read and write HDF5 files. GitHub crates.io
OSM Work with OpenStreetMap PBF files. GitHub crates.io
Shapefile Work with shape (SHP) files. GitHub crates.io
TileJSON Work with TileJSON files. GitHub crates.io
Transit Work with GTFS files. GitHub crates.io
WKT Work with Well-Known Text (WKT) files. GitHub crates.io
WKB Work with Well-Known Binary (WKB) buffers. GitHub crates.io
World-file Work with World-files. GitHub crates.io
STAC Work with SpatioTemporal Asset Catalogs (STAC) GitHub crates.io
PgSTAC Read from and write to pgstac databases. GitHub crates.io
OGC API OGC API building blocks GitHub crates.io
RINEX Read, parse and generate RINEX files. Can read RINEX4 files. GitHub crates.io
SP3 Read, parse and generate SP3 files (high precision orbits). GitHub crates.io


GeoZero Zero-Copy reading and writing of geospatial data. GitHub crates.io
GeoHash Compute geohash of locations. GitHub crates.io
Geocoding Enrich addresses, cities, countries with geographic coordinates through third-party geocoding web services. GitHub crates.io
Polyline Encode and decode addresses using the Google Polyline format. GitHub crates.io

Data processing

RINEX-Cli RINEX analysis and processing. Including precise positioning and clock comparison through CGGTTS. GitHub crates.io